Monday, February 14, 2011

How Many Cigarettes For 50g

Thinness: drugs that are fattening

No regime fails to overcome your extra pounds? And if it was the fault of your medications? Explanations and tips to care while limiting the damage on the scale ...
This is not a myth: some drugs are fattening. It can sagir dune limited weight gain (less than five pounds) but also very high (over 20 kilos). It is sometimes direct (deau and retention of salt or fat storage) and sometimes indirect (stimulation of thirst and hunger). It occurs rapidly or gradually longer insidieuse.Pour limit the damage, check with your doctor always prescribes you lorsquil treatment. If you fear more than anything to grow, tell him the order for it to take into account its limitations.

However, in some cases, drugs responsible for your weight gain is vital. The doctor will make the right choice between the benefits and risks of your treatment. If necessary, you should reflect a balance food and play on Physical activity to prevent excessive grossir.Dans these cases, please do not hesitate to seek medical prevention nutritionist to help you find solutions. It is always easier to gain weight Devita den lose that. It's your morale, your form but also the proper observance of your treatment and therefore your overall health ...

Cortisone promotes retention of salt and deau, doĆ¹ effects on your body and even your facial features. To limit this phenomenon, you must monitor your salt intake. If you need to take corticosteroids, find tips to add flavor to your food by using different spices (curry, saffron, pepper, cinnamon, pepper), herbs (thyme, sage, basil, parsley, cilantro, mint) but Food also very fragrant as Loignon lail, fennel, lemon, pepper ...

Sulfonamides hypoglycemia ...


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