Sunday, February 13, 2011

Can Chest Pain Be Caused By A Tight Shirt?

Testimonies: Life after breast cancer

Reconnecting with the daily life is a challenge for women who have had to fight against breast cancer. On the occasion of World Day against cancer, three women said their emotional
After chemotherapy, Soline, 30, underwent breast dun lablation 2008. Since then, she takes hormone therapy. "Benefiting dun hormone treatment target is a chance. The problem is that it mempêche davoir children for 5 years. Cest long and painful. Maperçois Especially if I, at this point, the my chemotherapy rendered sterile ... For all these reasons, My husband and I are going to start proceedings dadoption. Maybe this is premature, but I know now that life is fragile. Jaurès wish I could freeze my eggs before chemo, but cétait impossible, because my cancer is hormone-dependent. Ovarian stimulation are therefore prohibited in this case. Im waiting for test results oncogenetics (which will specify the degree of my dagressivité tumor). Sils are positive and thus indicate a high risk of recurrence, I would remove the second breast and make a double breast reconstruction. Anyway, jai is mourning my chest. Ive been very supported by my husband I dont ever doubted his love. We managed to buy an apartment, even if it cest bringing the credit at 100% because no bank agreed to mMake na! Jessaie to eat more fruits and vegetables. I also do karate and dance in an association of patients and former patients. It helps me to rebuild myself, to feel good about my body. Jai limpression quil my betrayed, that body! Jai very afraid that my arm swells due to axillary dissection (removal of about ten of lymph nodes under the arm at laisselle may contain cancer cells). My fears of death have faded but still some nightmares even today. Rest ... Read more on


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