Monday, February 28, 2011

Iphone Family Guy Streaming

chocolate could be better for the heart as fruit

A recent study published in the United States, chocolate could be better than some fruit because it contains more antioxidants
That should delight fans of cocoa, and allergic Setpoint gleefully hammered in all media "Five fruits and vegetables per day." For if one believes a recent study published in the journal Chemistry Central Journal, the chocolate could be better for the heart as some fruits, as it would be richer in antioxidants, including polyphenols and flavonoids.

In reaching this conclusion, says Psychomedia, the researchers compared the dark chocolate with fresh fruit juices and pure as the Acai, the Cannerberg, or grenades. Of all the juice compared, only one pomegranate contains more antioxidants than chocolate 60% cocoa. However, this result for the dark chocolate, not hot chocolate. The fruits are also beneficial for our bodies at other levels and thus remain indispensable. But why not combine the two to make you happy?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Many Watts In An Average Flashlight?

The Pepsi and Coca-Cola carcinogenic

While the two competing brands of soft drinks generally the beverage market, they are both now put in the dock, the dyes they use have been reported as carcinogenic
Coca-Cola Pepsi cons, this is a duel that lasted for years and which evolves as and advertising campaigns. But no confrontation about the latest study on the soda market since this time, the two brands of soft drinks are placed on the same plane, accused of using carcinogenic dyes. This accusation comes from a major American lobby, the CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest).

Thus, the lobby says the Daily Mail that Pepsi and Coca-Cola would use some type of caramel color to its drinks, which contain caramel two substances known to be potentially carcinogenic (2-MI and 4 MI). Far from throwing accusations at random, CSPI asked today that the two drinks are simply prohibited. And the lobby's spokesman explained: "Unlike caramel prepared at home by melting sugar in a pan, the artificial version to the original color "Coke" is the result of the chemical reaction produced by the combination of sugar, ammonia and sulphite at high temperature. "In this process the resulting two chemicals that defendants" based on tests conducted laboratory (they) would be harmful to health and even cause cancer of the lung, liver, thyroid.

For its part, reports 7sur7, the Institute for Catastrophic Toxicological U.S. would have confirmed the thesis of the lobby explaining that indeed, the two substances are carcinogenic in animals, and therefore potentially in man.

Furthermore, the use of aspartame for beverages such as "light" is also criticized, accused of increasing the risk of stroke. C. .. Read the article on Maxisciences

Sideways Peace Sign, What Does It Mean?

3776 miles 3776 miles

Day 8: Tucson -> Los Angeles.
Day 8: Tucson, Los Angeles.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Black Hat Brown Boots

A "doctor in your pocket" through mobile phones

A Singapore company has developed a complete unit to call and check his health ...
Check your heart rate, diabetes, learn about STDs: the phone Laptop turns increasingly to the health service, with effective means of prevention. "A doctor in your pocket!" Reads the brochure of the company EPI, based in Singapore and having its innovation at the World Congress mobile phone, organized from Monday to Thursday in Barcelona.

The product is called Life PPE, mobile phone integrated with an electrocardiogram. The aircraft, a "smartphone" measure your pulse by a simple touch of fingers on a sensor and sends the data to a medical call center open 24 Singapore 24. "We think this is a revolution. It is clinically proven, "says Dr Chow U-Jin, medical director of PPE (Ephone international).

An apparatus to 516 euros

"Around the world, you can use it as a phone but also send an ECG (electrocardiogram) and get an answer," adds to the AFP Chow U-Jin. "If the response is normal, you receive a text message only. If it is serious, they call you, "Sir, an ambulance arrives." We have three hospitals in Singapore to receive information "about your health.

Life EPI costs 700 dollars (516 euros), the price of a "smartphone" upscale. Two thousand copies have been marketed since November 2010. "The most obvious target is people with heart problems," said Dr Chow said, adding that three options are available: 10, 30 or 100 checks per month.

services available via SMS or MMS

This product also available in a mini version ($ 99) this time with a smaller unit to be connected by connection "Bluetooth" your smartphone, will soon arrive in France and Spain. But preventive health by mobile phone, dubbed mHealth ... Read the article on

Friday, February 25, 2011

Rub Me Costume Comment

Research Needs Your safety number!

The National Commission on Informatics and Liberties (CNIL) announces that it has decided to ask the government to "take legal steps to allow supervised use of registration number to the Directory (NIR), also called Social Security Number." Objective to facilitate the work researchers and health authorities
"Unable to use the NIR, the researchers are not always able to provide reliable statistical indicators," explains indeed the CNIL. It is true that the establishment of these statistics often requires the passing of individual data come from various sources, including Social Security.

CNIL So she decided to uvrer "actively in the development of legal and technical solutions (to) remedy this situation." She also said "determined to facilitate the work of research medical, respecting citizens' rights and confidentiality of data. "

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Carbon Monoxide Detector Reading 0

Yoga 4 position easy anti-stress

With this series of fundamental postures of hatha Yoga, the most famous in the West, everyone works at their own pace. Beginners sinitient without difficulty, while others without sentretiennent sennuyer. Theo Tran Van Tuat danatomie teacher for bodily gesture and teacher of yoga and Pilates Wow Club Med Gym
Perfect to prepare, this posture of the seat (slightly modified) helps concentration and removes physical tension. She wakes lEnergie, buttocks muscle and strengthens the legs. How to take sy? Standing, feet together, bend knees slightly forward direction while pushing the buttocks back (as if effort is poised to sasseoir lon). Raise your arms in the extension of the back and join hands (for which remain stuck, cross your thumbs or other fingers). Keep your heels firmly resting on the floor and pull your arms up toward the sky holding his stomach contracted. How many times? Hold the posture of 3 full breaths and increase the length as and when his training. Our conseilPour facilitate exercise, looking straight ahead. For more dintensité looking skyward and flex a little more legs.

This posture stretching the back and rear side of the legs affects the internal organs (viscera automassage). It also allows the brain Doxygen (upside down) and drive the nervous tension. How to take sy? Stand with feet together, arms in lair, shoulders are down. Lexpiration on, slowly lowering his head and chest up to what the fingers touch the ground. Or, for the most expert, up to what the hands (or arms) can get behind the knees. Then go back just as slowly, inspiring. Keep your stomach contracted during lexercice. How many times? Repeat 3 to 6 times as many complete breaths. Our conseilNe not use arm strength to go down, but let gravity and ... Read more on

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Plans On How To Build A Podium

prepare an aphrodisiac menu 100%

Some very common foods are known to make intimate moments sulfur. Mustard ginseng through the chocolate and oysters, the list of foods to the virtues that can honor the goddess of love and seduction, is rather long! And if you spend in the kitchen? Read Article
Aphrodisiacs have, first, the power to excite our taste buds, possibly influencing the production of sex hormones, and also perhaps to raise some of our inhibitions .. . To say they can improve sexual performance, nobody would dare say that. Love is fickle and too complicated to answer a simple potion, so be it magic! However, if you lend traditionally an aphrodisiac in some foods, it is not pure hasard.Le ginseng. The success of this root has more than three thousand years existence may be due to its shape suggestive, "says Dr. Borys, sexologist. But it definitely helps to fight against fatigue, hence the interest in energy drinks. It is not impossible that it actually makes the strongest men! "Anyway, she can stay awake longer Ginger .... It has vasodilatory gingérone through it." A vasodilator causes dilation of blood vessels in the body. By extension, it could allow an influx of blood into the penis and the clitoris ... This, of course, provides some excitement! And yohimbe ? From Gabon, this plant is mainly used in pharmacy as a vasodilator to treat certain heart conditions. She even enjoys, like any medicine, an MA (authorization to market).

Sometimes just choosing the right foods to produce a menu of more easily prometteurs.En entrance, you can opt for some ingredients that stimulate desire. For example, according to its budget, a sal ... Read more on

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Long Does It Take For Nystatin Cream To Work

Pushing cancer with 2:30 of sport per week

The World Health Organization (WHO) said Friday that the practice of sport for more than two hours each week could prevent some cancers
Through a new report on sport and health, WHO has reported that physical activity at least 2h30 per week would have the advantage of preventing certain cancers. Thus, the president of the International Union against Cancer (UICC) was also estimated during the World Day against Cancer held on Friday that "many cancers could be prevented" in this way.

If one believes the WHO, the number of breast and colon cancer could be reduced by 25% through regular physical activity. This corresponds for example to 30 minute walk each day for 5 days. If it is determined by doctors that physical activity can reduce deaths from breast cancer and colon cancer, scientists believe that sport can have many positive effects on other cancers.

So reveals what the Global Fund to research against cancer, which explains that "in some number of countries, changes in lifestyle, a healthy diet and practicing regular physical activity can reduce by one third the risk of developing cancer aware.

Also note that 'there are four risk factors for death in the world who are smoking, diabetes, hypertension and lack of physical activity. Something to think twice when you have the choice between an elevator and a staircase ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Does The Second Cervical Cancer Jab Hurt

Turmeric: a spice for good brain chemicals

Dr. Paul Lapchak, research director at the Department of Neurology Medical Center Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, is the principal author of the study, which he presented at the annual conference of the American Stroke Association. His work has shown the beneficial impact of this molecule on protective mechanisms of brain tissue, reports AFP. If the substance NBC-001 does not dissolve clots that blocked a vessel in the brain and causing a stroke, it helps to regenerate damaged tissue at the molecular level.

Turmeric, also called saffron from India, has for many years studied in the context of research on the treatment of brain injuries and diseases. However, this spice is not well absorbed by the body and becomes diluted by too quickly to achieve its targets. In addition, a natural protection system that prevents foreign substances from entering the brain blocks it.

The NBC-001 molecule, it does not have these drawbacks. It is "has a lot of the same virtues that turmeric but with the ability to cross the barrier without any problem Natural cerebral protection and can be quickly delivered and distributed in the brain and boost several key mechanisms that play a role in neuronal survival, "said Paul Lapchak turmeric-a-spicy-good-for-cerveau_art12487.html

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pokemon Mirageos Ti-84

invade us

Maxisciences discovered preview the new documentary by the journalist Stephane Horel. Entitled great invasion, she denounced the use mass of chemicals in our daily lives. substances that disrupt our organization and especially our endocrine system.
Our most mundane daily is stuffed with chemicals ": this was discovered the journalist and filmmaker Stéphane Horel after several years of investigation into the world of industry. In our homes as to the Outside, thousands of chemicals to share our knowledge our daily lives, hidden in food, water, plastics, fabrics and appliances. But what's really these molecules and what risks to our health? The great invasion The documentary by Stéphane Horel, sheds light on these key issues and presents the disturbing concept of endocrine disrupters.

Bisphenol A, phthalates, polybrominated diphenyl ethers or PBDEs: these molecules are the barbarous names of three chemicals on which questions the documentary. Embedded in most consumer products, the paper towel in the microwave through cosmetics or textiles, they have a special characteristic. They meddle in our bodies and disrupt our privacy by altering endocrine hormone levels. Today, scientists are more studies are conducted to try to prove this effect and conclude about the effect on our health. There may, for example, that chronic exposure these substances explains the resurgence of diseases such as cancers, diabetes or obesity.

animations to make the lighter tone

The great invasion of Stéphane Horel and refers all questions and problems arising from the massive use of these chemicals and this, a fairly original. The documentary combines animation funny, p. .. Read the article on Maxisciences

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Are Gallstones Or Kidney Stones More Painful

The diet soda increase the risk of stroke

If diet soda seems a good alternative to diet soft drinks, it seems that it is not safe. That's what researchers have discovered U.S. after a study presented earlier this week at the International Conference of the American Stroke Association in Los Angeles.

According to their results, those who drink diet soda daily increase their risk of stroke by 61% compared to those who consume no soda. In reaching this conclusion, U.S. scientists followed for over 9 years nearly 2,560 individuals as part of project called Northern Manhattan Study (nomas).

Through questionnaires, they asked participants about the quantity and type of soda that they were accustomed to eating: about 2,564 individuals, 24% admitted drinking soda light, about 5% daily, while 35% said they never drink soda. Thus, participants were grouped into seven categories ranging from those never drank soda, those who drank moderately each day. To complement these data, scientists were also interested in age, gender, ethnicity and other factors such as alcohol consumption, diet, physical activity and being smoke or not.

At the end of the study, 559 individuals had died of strokes. And even taking into account the excess weight and history of participants, the risk of stroke and major consumers of diet soda remained 48% higher than those of others. "If our results are confirmed, they suggested that diet soda is not the best alternative to sugary drinks whose consequences on health have already been demonstrated, "the ... read the rest of the article on Maxisciences -addicted-trait-the-risk-of-039-crash-vasculaire_art12467.html

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ncis Kates Funeral Song

The right way to erase dark circles

Dark circles are not always due to lack of sleep or poor nutrition. We often inherit! Good gestures to learn to erase them in a jiffy.
More of the epidermis around the eyes is smooth and satiny, plus the installation of your concealer will be natural and invisible. Start by applying your moisturizer on your face, then your treatment around the eyes. Remove excess product with a paper towel before applying the concealer. Hard to apply concealer? Not if you keep in mind that although its thick texture needs to be "worked" to be spread easily and discretion. Work, it means spreading the product on the back of the hand for example, then, using an applicator or fingertip, the few seconds to mix it thins it a peu.Appliquez directly on the dark area, without forgetting the inner corner of the eye, against the base of the nose. Tap with your finger to blend the product. Lay the foundation after the concealer, powder and last (banish it if you have lots of wrinkles under her eyes, the emphasis). Think of the blush on the tops of cheekbones, brown, pink, for example, that goes to all: a point light that draws the eye ... and away from your rings!

with pastel palettes - pink, white, sky - you're sure to get a nice result (but flee mauves and plums). Remember the little button between the eye and the base of the nose, which "refreshes" the look instantly. Finally, stretch your upper lashes with a mascara.A noterSi your rings are very Brown, you better hide them with a spell in a tone ivory or yellow with a pinkish hue which would appear gray. Rather they are blue-purple, choose a shade of yellow-orange color because these colors blue void.

A concealer arises finger (the tip of the finger) or brush in the inner corner of eye. Stretch ... Read more on

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nba 2010 New Knee Brace?

"The pharmacy is not a candy store"

Dr. François Chast, chief of pharmacology at the Hotel-Dieu and professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy Paris-Descartes, considers the publication Afssaps the list of 77 drugs under surveillance. Read Article
What are your feelings about publishing the list of drugs under enhanced?

She arrives in a particular context. The first case Mediator. And then a context of "We were wrong does not tell us everything." And then, suddenly the authorities feel obliged to make a kind of pharmacological happening, putting on the public information that is already known, and even professionals the public who would spontaneously on the site Afssaps.

But I think that fear is never a good adviser. And there was a panic about these safety issues. Public authorities have meant: "We made mistakes, perhaps mistakes with the Mediator, but we're working hard."

What are the risks of this publication?

Confusion. These drugs have nothing to do with each other. Some are very common and OTC, long time. Other diseases affect very rare, for which the physician is usually a specialist, who does not suffer the pressure of his patients. In the case of multiple myeloma for example, which is fatal within months if untreated, yes, we take the risk of using a drug that has a profit.

In Case Mediator, we had a drug that served no purpose except to be an appetite suppressant that does not say his name and for which the manufacturer has misled patients, prescribers and health authorities.

Among the common drugs, Di-antalvic, will be withdrawn from sale in March 2011, a lot of noise.

is a drug that we ... Read more on xtor # = AL 447

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Los Hombres De Paco Episode 1

Breast and ovarian cancer: genetic predisposition best detected

EMMA method, developed by a team from the Institute Curie in Paris, would better detect genetic mutations that are responsible for 5% of breast cancers and the ovary. Women with variations of either BRCA1 or BRCA2 have indeed a higher risk of developing a tumor
An 8-fold higher risk than the general population. The risk of ovarian cancer, it is for its part "very high" among these women, according to the Institut Curie. The new method EMMA (for Enhanced Mismatch Mutation Analysis ®) "to detect genetic alterations of large and small. Yet paradoxically, these are harder to spot, "explained Professor Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet, head of cancer genetics at the Institut Curie.

Used on 1525 patients with either breast cancer or a tumor of the ovary, the new method has helped "detect genetic variation that had escaped the strategy we used previously," adds Dr Stoppa -Lyonnet. In addition to its greater efficiency, this method also allows for faster results. A complete genetic analysis takes four times less time than the technique used so far. In 2010, the Institut Curie EMMA technique was used for 700 searches pathogenic mutations in women meeting criteria specific risk. "These include the number of cancers in the family, their location, age of onset, type of cancer ... "We" she said.

In 2010, approximately 52,000 new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in France. The number of new cases of ovarian cancer is estimated at 4500. Among them, the hereditary forms represent about 5% of breast cancers and 6% of ovarian cancers ovarian-better-detected-the-predispositions.html

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Are Some Good Boots For Wearing

Mental health is not affected by Abortion

The New England journal Journal of Medicine recently published a study that clearly establishes non-existence of link between degradation of mental health among women and abortion
The study explains that if the birth may have an effect on the mental health of women, this is not the case of abortion. Thus, these findings are based on research by a Danish team that looked into the case of 265,550 Danish women who had never had mental problems until they become pregnant. According to Slate, the study on the subject has been conducted to destroy "a bit more the idea that ending a Pregnancy can trigger mental illness and shows that postpartum depression is a more important factor.

Thus, it would appear that women who gave birth were more likely to be supported so Psychiatric after the end of their pregnancy than women who had abortions. The Danish study is not the only one to have been done on the subject. In fact, Slate reports that in 2008, the American Psychological Association had conducted a study which concluded that "there is no credible evidence that an abortion was awarded after a non-desired pregnancy itself causes problems Mental Health Association adult women. "Associations and anti-abortion groups refute the findings of this study, explaining that the effects of abortion on women's mental health may appear several years after the decision.

Parents Anniversary Card Sayings

Day 7: El Paso, TX -> Tucson, Arizona. Tucson is a hot city in the middle of the desert, which stretches for miles, no skyscrapers, everything is flat (and hot). We can see the mountains around the town but they are naked. On the road I saw for the first time wild cacti as we can see in westerns with Clint Eastwood.
Day 7: El Paso, TX -> Tucson, AZ. Tucson Is A Warm city, in the middle of the desert, very large city, no skyscrapers, Everything is Flat (and warm). I saw on the road for The First Time "wild" cactus (yes, like The One That You See In The Westerns Clint Eastwood With

Tequila is made from this plant, the Agave is the first time I see one in real life * hips
Tequila forfaitaire out of this plant, agave, This Is The First Time That I see one :-) * hips

Monday, February 14, 2011

How Many Cigarettes For 50g

Thinness: drugs that are fattening

No regime fails to overcome your extra pounds? And if it was the fault of your medications? Explanations and tips to care while limiting the damage on the scale ...
This is not a myth: some drugs are fattening. It can sagir dune limited weight gain (less than five pounds) but also very high (over 20 kilos). It is sometimes direct (deau and retention of salt or fat storage) and sometimes indirect (stimulation of thirst and hunger). It occurs rapidly or gradually longer insidieuse.Pour limit the damage, check with your doctor always prescribes you lorsquil treatment. If you fear more than anything to grow, tell him the order for it to take into account its limitations.

However, in some cases, drugs responsible for your weight gain is vital. The doctor will make the right choice between the benefits and risks of your treatment. If necessary, you should reflect a balance food and play on Physical activity to prevent excessive grossir.Dans these cases, please do not hesitate to seek medical prevention nutritionist to help you find solutions. It is always easier to gain weight Devita den lose that. It's your morale, your form but also the proper observance of your treatment and therefore your overall health ...

Cortisone promotes retention of salt and deau, doù effects on your body and even your facial features. To limit this phenomenon, you must monitor your salt intake. If you need to take corticosteroids, find tips to add flavor to your food by using different spices (curry, saffron, pepper, cinnamon, pepper), herbs (thyme, sage, basil, parsley, cilantro, mint) but Food also very fragrant as Loignon lail, fennel, lemon, pepper ...

Sulfonamides hypoglycemia ...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Can Chest Pain Be Caused By A Tight Shirt?

Testimonies: Life after breast cancer

Reconnecting with the daily life is a challenge for women who have had to fight against breast cancer. On the occasion of World Day against cancer, three women said their emotional
After chemotherapy, Soline, 30, underwent breast dun lablation 2008. Since then, she takes hormone therapy. "Benefiting dun hormone treatment target is a chance. The problem is that it mempêche davoir children for 5 years. Cest long and painful. Maperçois Especially if I, at this point, the my chemotherapy rendered sterile ... For all these reasons, My husband and I are going to start proceedings dadoption. Maybe this is premature, but I know now that life is fragile. Jaurès wish I could freeze my eggs before chemo, but cétait impossible, because my cancer is hormone-dependent. Ovarian stimulation are therefore prohibited in this case. Im waiting for test results oncogenetics (which will specify the degree of my dagressivité tumor). Sils are positive and thus indicate a high risk of recurrence, I would remove the second breast and make a double breast reconstruction. Anyway, jai is mourning my chest. Ive been very supported by my husband I dont ever doubted his love. We managed to buy an apartment, even if it cest bringing the credit at 100% because no bank agreed to mMake na! Jessaie to eat more fruits and vegetables. I also do karate and dance in an association of patients and former patients. It helps me to rebuild myself, to feel good about my body. Jai limpression quil my betrayed, that body! Jai very afraid that my arm swells due to axillary dissection (removal of about ten of lymph nodes under the arm at laisselle may contain cancer cells). My fears of death have faded but still some nightmares even today. Rest ... Read more on

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Worm-like Bug Found In Basement

caries: yogurt instead of chips

To protect his teeth, eat cheese and yogurt too. More children eat yogurt, they have less tooth decay!
because Japanese researchers attract attention on the food: a study in over 2,000 children aged 3 years showed that those with the highest consumption of yogurt (4 or more per week) were much less cavities than those with the lowest power (less dun yogurt per week).

In addition, yogurt is full of promises vis-à-vis the bacteria that cause gum disease. Different probiotics in yoghurt or fermented milk (Lactobacillus, Bifidobacteria ...) have been successfully tested in the laboratory against several strains of bacteria that cause periodontitis (living tissue supporting the teeth). Probiotics inhibit laction pathogenic bacteria without harming lefficacité of protective bacteria. Source Cerin.

Recurring Itchy Rash On Buttocks

3776 miles 3776 miles

Day 6 2 / 2: Roswell NM -> El Paso, Texas by 285 and 180. The desert of New Mexico. Not UFO but a sandstorm of the devil. On the road, 160 miles without a share of abandoned buildings!
Day 6 2 / 2: Roswell NM -> El Paso, TX By The 285 & the 180. New Mexico's desert. No, no UFOs to a huge dust storm. On the road, 160 miles Without Anything but empty buildings.

Friday, February 11, 2011

How Can You Overcome Cat Allergies

The H1N1 vaccine he caused narcolepsy?

Europe Pandemrix suspect, one of H1N1 vaccine, to be responsible for narcolepsy. These last two years, many countries have indeed been a marked increase in the incidence of this disease, usually rare
According to the Finnish National Institute of Health, Pandemrix, the main vaccine used against H1N1, was responsible cases of narcolepsy. A chronic neurological disease that is characterized by bouts of severe drowsiness or sudden loss of muscle tone. Typically, this condition is rare and Finland not counted a dozen cases per year. But these last two years, nearly 60 young people aged 4 to 19 reported illness. Among them, 90% had just been vaccinated.

Last August, Sweden had already sounded the alarm indicating an increased incidence of the disease. Similarly in France, where a score of cases have been recorded between 2009 and 2010. "The troubling cases by age of onset and severity unusual" says the newspaper Le Figaro Professor Yves Dauvilliers, neurologist and specialist in narcolepsy.

For the Finnish authorities, "the association is so obvious that it is unlikely that other factors may explain this phenomenon entirely alone." But it is possible that this link is "a joint effect of the vaccine and one or more other factors." To confirm these hypotheses must await the results of the final report of the Finnish Institute in August 2011 and those of the investigation launched by the European Medicines Agency.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Animated Face In Hole

Licorice, more than a root

A characteristic sweet, both sweet and bitter ... Licorice Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Smooth or is not a root as the others. Beyond its taste, it is also highly regarded for its medicinal properties. Especially on the digestive comfort.
Licorice indeed, is the root of Radix liquiritiae, a plant with purplish flowers perhaps better known as licorice. No question of digging before the third year of cultivation, when the plant begins to lose its leaves. Glycyrrhiza glabra L. will then be repeatedly washed, peeled and dried at a maximum temperature of 35 ° C. We must allow time to time ...

Nutritionally, licorice is so rich in glucosides, but also in flavonoids, a family of antioxidants is now well known. It also contains terpenes with properties beneficial to the respiratory tract. It can be used in infusions, provided they have been finely chopped. And if you want to find the sweet taste of the pellets of your child, you should boil the licorice extract and its succus liquiritiae.

On its medicinal properties, they are numerous. Licorice is an expectorant, antispasmodic, and laxative. In association with such a balm, it will have beneficial effects on digestive comfort. It may even have a beneficial effect against peptic ulcers. For more information, ask your pharmacist

Kates Playground Toy Vids

Health Alert: pieces of glass in a syrup

A young mother who reported to his pharmacist presence of a piece of glass in a bottle Oracefal ® 250 mg / 5 ml powder for oral suspension, a procedure recall this product has been triggered. Oracefal ® is an antibiotic used against infections of the respiratory tract and ENT infections in children. The pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb, in agreement with the French Agency for Sanitary Safety of Health Products (AFSSAPS) has decided to initiate a recall of Lot 9J56684 (expiry 09/2012).
. The drug Oracefal ® 250 mg / 5 ml powder is administered after reconstitution with water using a measuring spoon. The manufacturer has informed that the suspect lot AFSSaPS was not distributed to pharmacies since January 25, 2010. No other claim of the same type was received by the laboratory.

AFSSaPS The recommended "for patients in possession of a bottle bearing the lot number does not use it and report it to the pharmacy." The agency also requests the laboratory "to identify the causes that led to the presence of the piece of glass found in bottle of that lot." Bristol-Myers Squibb in June, had already had to make the recall of a batch of vials of Fungizone (R) 10% ... for the same reasons.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No Suction Cup Bathmat

Omega-3: a weapon antidepressant friendly Sleeping find

Inserm researchers have now shown that a deficiency in Omega-3 caused some mood disorders up to depression. To avoid falling into depression, you are told where to find those famous omega-3.
Sauvage, it is naturally rich in omega-3. Means farmed, everything really depends on your diet. In all cases, there is a good source of vitamins B1, B3, specializing in food processing énergie.Le advice: Cest tartar, carpaccio, sashimi, quickly poached, or steamed or wrapped in foil, the salmon will give the best of himself. Feel free to associate with lemon juice! AussiDécouvrez Read all articles in the category Female Nutrition-Nutrition-minceurTest: what does your fridge say about you? 155 recipes to lose weight and stay slim, finally!

"only" 0.25 g doméga-3, this may seem small, but for a plant, cest much! Advice: Replace occasionally by green salad of lettuce, and of course ladhuile-season walnuts or canola.

With 7.4 g doméga-3 and a perfect ratio between omega-3 and omega-6, they bring wellFrom vitamin E, essential to avoid loxydation essential fatty acids, protein and fiber. They also help fight against cholestérol.Le advice: Peel-a few kernels to liven up your salads, sauces, muesli ... Remember also to regularly buy bread with walnuts.

Composed of 18% doméga-3, Flax has an extraordinary CV: one tablespoon of seeds already making doméga 2 g-3! You can find packets of seeds or food stores diététiques.Le Tip: You can add a few pinches of white cheese, salads, cooked vegetables, rice, lentils ... You can also mix and stir in 1 c. S. the cake flour dun, dun bread ...

The "milk" of soybeans, the "cream" and tofu provide complete protein of poi ... Read more on

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Need To Cleanse My Body

to better retain

German researchers published the results of a study on memory in the journal Nature Neuroscience. This shows that the brain takes advantage of periods of sleep to save much more important information it has acquired.

Until now, researchers knew that the hippocampus, a brain area that temporarily stores data which have been acquired, was waiting for a form of reactivation of these memories so that they set in the neocortex, an area of permanent storage. To ensure that sleep played no role in the process of memory, German scientists have developed an experiment.

They asked 24 volunteers to hold 15 pairs of cards representing animals and objects. After 40 minutes, 12 candidates had to memorize a new set slightly different from the first. The remaining 12 participants, meanwhile, had enjoyed a nap before being placed before the second set of cards. The test they proposed was then concerned only the first series.

Researchers have found, to their surprise, that candidates who had been rested had retained 85% of cards against 60% for others. They concluded that "the reactivation of memories had completely different effects depending on waking or sleeping. We believe that the reason for this unexpected result is that the transfer of memories between the hippocampus and neocortex had already begun in the early minutes of sleep. "

Thus, a rest of 40 minutes would be enough for a lot of memories to be stored in an area where new information would not arrive more or dislodge the jam. These results may benefit those who are learning d. .. Read the article on Maxisciences

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Yukon Xl Check Engine Light On

Day 6 1 / 2: Roswell NM -> El Paso, Texas by 285 and 180. Stop in Carlsbad cellars.
Day 6 1 / 2: Roswell NM -> El Paso, TX By The 285 & the 180. Stop At The Carlsbad caves.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Master Lock 175 Retrieve Combination

Unusual: When using Google Earth to recycling! Google

in Enschede, the Netherlands, architects have a house built largely from recycled materials (specifically 60% of the elements.) Villa Welpeloo. The method is original in itself: the architects, apes have identified the location of the new bat, decided to use Google Earth to locate the abandoned buildings to 15 miles away. Result: they systematically collect materials to build around the proposed house. The virtual world has served as a tool for local planning :-)
Source: Dwell

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baked Ziti Recipe Easy

Art project: 360 degree virtual tour of an art gallery

In collaboration with 17 museums in the world, Google offers a way immersion StreetView in 1061 works of art: Art Project Google . The navigation works like StreetView, ie 360 degree panorama and zooming works to see photographs of very specific details. 17 works have undergone a particular treatment, the rest of the museum or palace is still possible, with the possibility of shooting activity on the basis of covered halls, present a map of the buildings. Other resources are also available in the links located in the right menu. These works can be integrated into a personal collection via connection to an account. It creates its own virtual museum, choosing the zoom level that you want to keep. Last
great idea: Google Apps accounts work perfectly: you can create collections to students, ideal for the History of Art and of course share it!

can also share the address of the visit to social networks or a link via email.
The visualization technique, close to immersion as realistic as possible, questions sur le regard porté sur les œuvres d'art mais aussi leurs mises en scènes muséographiques.
Une vidéo explique la manière dont Google a procédé pour numériser les œuvres:

An example with the Metropolitan Museum of Art: