Thursday, January 27, 2011

Taking Apart A Polaroid

simulate the extent of natural hazards or indutriels

Google Earth Blog offers a ticket describing how to simulate the severe flooding in Google Earth.
It builds on the methodology developed by Rich Treves in Google Earth design.
The idea is simple but still had to think about! In fact, it uses the expansion of a polygon option: simply create a polygon with Google Earth blue marking the area that we want to cover, and in the properties of polygon change attitudes and give the depth of water that is desired (in the example of Rich Treves, he took 100m and 200m).
can download an example of London at this address .
For this trick, we can reproduce in a relatively loyal, flooding more or less important at different scales or propose scenarios simulations.
The color of the polygon is also a carrier of meanings can symbolize the blue water, white snow, ice, brown, mudslides or landslides. These polygons
extend from the ground and respects the terrain; by enabling the 3D option, you can also see the extent damage in urban areas.
These solutions are used to simulate the extent of certain natural hazards.
But it is also possible to simulate the damage caused by industrial or technological risks: for example, how to simulate the zone of danger of an accidental release of chemicals into the atmosphere?
It also creates a polygon corresponding to different areas of waste products, then the polygon is raised to the height where the atmospheric REJT should be but it does not connect the polygon on the ground!


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