Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fireplace Blue Prints

L'Aquila in 3D, a chronicle of urban modeling and memorial

Source: USGS

The city of L'Aquila, which has about 72,000 inhabitants, is the capital of the Abruzzo region of Italy. It is located at 721 m altitude in the valley Aterno-Pescara, wedged between 4 mountains above 2000 m.
An earthquake occurred April 6, 2009 at 3 am local 30 hours in central Italy.
The town most affected is L'Aquila including many buildings were destroyed or heavily
damaged. The final death toll of 308 deaths reported.
The main shock, whose magnitude is between 5.8 and 6.7 (6.3) was felt in
throughout central Italy, including Rome up to 110 remote km south-west.
is the earthquake in Italy the worst since that of Irpinia in 1980.
Six months later, Google receives an email from a British architect named Barnaby Gunning who offered an ambitious project to use Google SketchUp to build a 3D digital model of the city, as now, to stimulate discussion about its reconstruction. He had already created a website called Comefacciamo ("What can we do?"), To contact and organize volunteers.
Barnaby asked if Google could organize workshops geo-modeling in L'Aquila, in order to strengthen the creation of a digital model of the city. An engineer working on Earth and an Italian by birth, made the trip to Aquila and gave lessons geo-modeling in Italian. The main tool that is used is Building Maker which is faster and easier to use than Sketchup but raises the question of a real 3D ...

can be observed through the first efforts of a few pictures ...
Source: SketchUp Blog

But well beyond the rather futile debate on technical modeling in this case, this initiative asks about the place by the geo-modeling. First, it is presented as a means of discussion about the rebuilding of the city: nothing new, geo-modeling is a tool for the decision. But the first is that originality is a professional but personal initiative became public, it is not governments that are involved in this movement but the citizens, inhabitants of the city who are wondering "what can we do?" ? It is therefore fully in a process of mapping 3D online participatory and open, but the approach goes further: by this concern for the 3D reconstruction, citizens become involved in planning and this in two ways: they contribute to the development of participatory management through virtualization, with the support and the image of Google in this operation, doubt that this initiative will carry weight among policy makers and politicians. In this regard, they are where policy makers and local politicians in this story? You do not hear them ... And this is also a strong query: citizens, seizing virtualisation tools become political actors, thus showing a loss of confidence, an important discredit the political class It is ... not whether it is good or bad thing, just an observation ...
But it is also important to remember that the situation is unfortunately Aquila outstanding with no less than 308 dead ... A catastrophic situation, extraordinary means.
It also appears that virtualization of the city "before" also acts as an outlet for pain and function as a symbolic element of collective memory, much like a book of photographs of a time old and over, painful as it continues to flip, though. It is a way of reclaiming the site, spaces now destroyed.
Rebuilding a city virtually Mourns brings a natural element modeling in the construction of a memorial space, a sort of virtual museum is a reminder to keep the community about what happened, without the intervention of local or national.

Source: Google Earth Blog ; SketchUp Blog


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