Monday, January 31, 2011

Reset Luggage Number Lock

World Mapping uses of Twitter by the contemporary art centers

Urban Tricks thematic approach provides a first mapping of Twitter. The scope is that of contemporary art centers like the Guggenheim or the Pompidou. It is noted that many of these museums are adopted tool Twitter, and some seem to use it intetnsive, deploying a vast web of relationships, some less. But what is striking is generally little interaction between them, except the selected triangle image.
We can see that these networks are not interdependent and that each person develops own airlock relational structure independently of each other. How to explain? Youth networks? (Which would imply a social network of an institution develops before about its own influence before any dialogue with other similar institutions) The language barrier?
Many interpretations could be developed from a much more detailed analysis of these virtual interactions.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Much Does Dailysis Makes

Views satellites of major cities at night in Google Earth Mapping

City of London

Google Earth Library offers a KML file which contains images taken by NASA satellites around a few major world cities at night. These images are draped in Google Earth to visualize the nocturnal activities of these cities. Are covered:

  • Beijing, China
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Chicago, USA
  • Denver, USA
  • Las Vegas, USA
  • London, Great Britain
  • Long Beach, USA
  • Los Angeles, USA
  • Mecca, Saudi Arabia
  • Montreal, Canada
  • San
  • Paulo, Brazil
  • Seoul, South Korea
These pictures show the importance of central and peripheral urban sprawl of cities around the main axes of communication.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Telephone Disconnection

its subscriptions Twitter, why?

Map My followings can view on Google Maps tiles the people you follow through your twitter account. In addition to a thematic profile, you can now add a profile géographioque his Twitter account. It is a form of personal decryption of its subscriptions, but it can really make good on our trends? A priori
little: apart from our linguistic tendencies, it seems that this mapping contributes little to the account of a person. Benchmarks allow you to view the identity card of his contacts twitters, which offers a possibility of thematic analysis but remains limited due to the choice of a landmark as a cartographic referencing, which makes the data difficult to read .
If the analysis seems less difficult to compare different accounts, this application seems to respond to a need to streamline its relations twitter. Indeed, it is so easy to subscribe to a twitter user that was very quickly dizziness, an identity and a woven fabric that escapes us. This effect is reinforced by the growing number of its subscribers that appears on the account. As a result, mapping fixed accounts, giving it personalizes the dimension of space dimension that reinforces the "reality" of the following accounts.
customizable mapping of social networks was probably to reassure, rationalizing, rendering more realistic management accounts growing, more and more interactive. Twitter has exceeded 200 million users.

can integrate the service on a website or blog using a HTML with iframe

Source: the blog moderator

Friday, January 28, 2011

Large Growth On Dogs Tail

Mapping the ethnic mosaic of New York

The New York Times offers a menu of different communities living in New York, neighborhood by neighborhood, pointing to areas where the concentration of immigrant communities is the strongest.
The map continues to maintain the myth of "American melting pot by showing the wide variety of foreign communities present: old, like Chinatown, home to one of the largest diasporas, Korean, Pakistani, the European Eastern, Indian ... Beyond the fact of global human mobility, we also find that this type of card could be achieved only insofar as these strangers come together in communities, spatially identifiable.
Yet, one might consider such a mapping for the Parisian space, for example? Without doubt, more difficult to climb, not if it is only by the terms used to describe these communities ...
It seems that these names refer to differences in cultural differences that are expressed by and in cartography. The image of American immigration is one of the foundations of the nation of the United States, a common element of identity which allows speak more directly to communities ...

Source: The Map Room

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Taking Apart A Polaroid

simulate the extent of natural hazards or indutriels

Google Earth Blog offers a ticket describing how to simulate the severe flooding in Google Earth.
It builds on the methodology developed by Rich Treves in Google Earth design.
The idea is simple but still had to think about! In fact, it uses the expansion of a polygon option: simply create a polygon with Google Earth blue marking the area that we want to cover, and in the properties of polygon change attitudes and give the depth of water that is desired (in the example of Rich Treves, he took 100m and 200m).
can download an example of London at this address .
For this trick, we can reproduce in a relatively loyal, flooding more or less important at different scales or propose scenarios simulations.
The color of the polygon is also a carrier of meanings can symbolize the blue water, white snow, ice, brown, mudslides or landslides. These polygons
extend from the ground and respects the terrain; by enabling the 3D option, you can also see the extent damage in urban areas.
These solutions are used to simulate the extent of certain natural hazards.
But it is also possible to simulate the damage caused by industrial or technological risks: for example, how to simulate the zone of danger of an accidental release of chemicals into the atmosphere?
It also creates a polygon corresponding to different areas of waste products, then the polygon is raised to the height where the atmospheric REJT should be but it does not connect the polygon on the ground!

Monster Energy Can Fridge

Kairn dons his finest skins.

the addage says no news is good news ... So I hesitate to leave you in the dark or not?

Just a quick note all the same to tell you that publishers (Black Rock for France and the Scorpion for the overseas Hidden Atlantic) démennent Kairn to make you a more beautiful, more robust and not more expensive than the previous version. obviously it takes some time but I promise you that I'm sitting at the top of the car, I see the end of the tunnel ...

master of patience and reason (even if it makes me too fucking shit ... I do not like to wait for it wait it makes me bristle wait ... but I expect)

soon for cromagnesques adventures ... go ... a little teaser so: International !? Do not tell the two editors I've probably not quite leave ...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Watch South Park Online Iphone

3776 miles 3776 miles

Roswell, New Mexico.
Roswell, NM.

For American Immigration Department, I am an "alien". Thank you for Arby receives me with open arms! For the U.S. Immigration
dpt, I am an alien, thank you, Arby!
Roswell Roswell's street lights

R2D2 Is In Fact a USPS mailbox
R2D2 is a mailbox

Kidde 1276 Smoke Detector Keeps Going Off

OpenStreetMap Google Earth: downloadable data format shape

OSM 2008: A Year of edicts from ItoWorld we Vimeo.

OpenStreetMap offers downloading of databases on France in shape format (data adte 26 November), these data can be used in GIS software such as QuantumGIS.
Note that data for Central America and England are also available. Always
about OSM, another blog post the corner of the open source geospatial of September, shows how OSM data can be used as a basis for modeling 3D

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fireplace Blue Prints

L'Aquila in 3D, a chronicle of urban modeling and memorial

Source: USGS

The city of L'Aquila, which has about 72,000 inhabitants, is the capital of the Abruzzo region of Italy. It is located at 721 m altitude in the valley Aterno-Pescara, wedged between 4 mountains above 2000 m.
An earthquake occurred April 6, 2009 at 3 am local 30 hours in central Italy.
The town most affected is L'Aquila including many buildings were destroyed or heavily
damaged. The final death toll of 308 deaths reported.
The main shock, whose magnitude is between 5.8 and 6.7 (6.3) was felt in
throughout central Italy, including Rome up to 110 remote km south-west.
is the earthquake in Italy the worst since that of Irpinia in 1980.
Six months later, Google receives an email from a British architect named Barnaby Gunning who offered an ambitious project to use Google SketchUp to build a 3D digital model of the city, as now, to stimulate discussion about its reconstruction. He had already created a website called Comefacciamo ("What can we do?"), To contact and organize volunteers.
Barnaby asked if Google could organize workshops geo-modeling in L'Aquila, in order to strengthen the creation of a digital model of the city. An engineer working on Earth and an Italian by birth, made the trip to Aquila and gave lessons geo-modeling in Italian. The main tool that is used is Building Maker which is faster and easier to use than Sketchup but raises the question of a real 3D ...

can be observed through the first efforts of a few pictures ...
Source: SketchUp Blog

But well beyond the rather futile debate on technical modeling in this case, this initiative asks about the place by the geo-modeling. First, it is presented as a means of discussion about the rebuilding of the city: nothing new, geo-modeling is a tool for the decision. But the first is that originality is a professional but personal initiative became public, it is not governments that are involved in this movement but the citizens, inhabitants of the city who are wondering "what can we do?" ? It is therefore fully in a process of mapping 3D online participatory and open, but the approach goes further: by this concern for the 3D reconstruction, citizens become involved in planning and this in two ways: they contribute to the development of participatory management through virtualization, with the support and the image of Google in this operation, doubt that this initiative will carry weight among policy makers and politicians. In this regard, they are where policy makers and local politicians in this story? You do not hear them ... And this is also a strong query: citizens, seizing virtualisation tools become political actors, thus showing a loss of confidence, an important discredit the political class It is ... not whether it is good or bad thing, just an observation ...
But it is also important to remember that the situation is unfortunately Aquila outstanding with no less than 308 dead ... A catastrophic situation, extraordinary means.
It also appears that virtualization of the city "before" also acts as an outlet for pain and function as a symbolic element of collective memory, much like a book of photographs of a time old and over, painful as it continues to flip, though. It is a way of reclaiming the site, spaces now destroyed.
Rebuilding a city virtually Mourns brings a natural element modeling in the construction of a memorial space, a sort of virtual museum is a reminder to keep the community about what happened, without the intervention of local or national.

Source: Google Earth Blog ; SketchUp Blog

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tawnee Stone Wikipeida

Day 5 1 / 2, Greenville, TX -> Roswell, New Mexico. Take secondary roads (the 380 west) was a very good choice! Little traffic and most of the judgments or one wants to take pictures! North Texas is absolutely beautiful, the scenery, small towns (1000 population = no other town has 100 miles around) are fabulous!

Day 5 1 / 2, Greenville, TX -> Roswell, New Mexico. Taking secondary roads (380W) HAD Been a good choice. No traffic and stops everywhere to take picture. North Texas is gorgeous, landscapes are wonderful, The Small Towns (1000 Souls Without Any Other small town around 100 miles) are fabulous!

Symptoms Of Ovarian Caner

Bing and Maps Augmented Reality?

At TED2010, Blaise Aguera y Arcas, the leading developer of Bing Maps present the novelties of the online mapping service from Microsoft.
The presentation begins with the integration of panoramic images in Bing Maps and connections with the Flickr service, it also highlights the introduction of lifting systems mapped onto images to give the illusion of 3D and a path no longer realistic in the streets of major cities.
But the most interesting point of his presentation is when it connects with friends on a market via a 4G network. It can see evolve through one of his accomplices who filmed the event. This is a double innovation: the integration of video images, and pressed on the possibility of change live person via a telephone network, with friends (away from the conventional benchmarks incorporating flow live cam).
This demonstration made a great impression and the title of the article published on TED is translated into French: "Blaise Aguera y Arcas demonstrates how augmented reality mapping transforms." The term augmented reality is taken into the body of the video by the chief architect Bing Maps. However, are we faced with the augmented reality? As the highlight of images has been presented as an immersion in the 3D integration of live video in Bing Maps does not appear to be augmented reality. Indeed, it involves just a sensitive area on which we just file information virtualized creating an in-between between real and virtual, as shown in the ticket Jeremy Valentin on his blog: Augmented Reality and mapping
The present demonstration suggests rather the opposite: it is the reality of that comes directly immersed in the virtuality of the online mapping. What is not without significantly alter the vision of online mapping: in fact, using these techniques, there is a view increasingly realistic space experience. In addition, it involves people, real knowledge, a kind of intimacy of the space shared with one or more members of a community of a circle of friends, a social network. This technological achievement is rooted in two different spatial planes but assembled here: the lived space via video in real time and shared space in the privacy of their personal or professional relationships.
However, this does not mention the augmented reality. So, what to call this mode of operation of virtual tours? The augmented virtuality? :-)



Sunday, January 23, 2011

When And How To Wear Amethyst

3776 miles 3776 miles

Day 4: Memphis, TN -> Greenville, Texas. Both photos were taken during a stop at the "Hot Springs National Park " in Arkansas. Bill Cliton spent his summer vacation when he was little (he grew up in a small town in Arkansas which is just next).

Day 4: Memphis, TN -> Greenville, TX. Both of the pictures taken Düring Were a stop at the "Hot Springs National Park " in Arkansas. Bill Clinton Used To Spend His vacation There Düring childhood history.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pain In Back After Cold Drink


Three passages with a gradient.
25/70 cm URSUS 300 billion extra white
30 copies

20 euros (including postage) on

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Connect A Samson R10s Mic To Com

Day 3, Knoxville -> Memphis, Tennessee. The first picture is a war memorial in the middle of nowhere, on the edge of a side street ... It made her little effect.
The other two photos were taken in Memphis, the birthplace of Elvis Presley. What about Memphis? It's beautiful, very beautiful but what c'est mort: pas un chat dans la rue après 21h, tout les magasins (en particulier restau et bar) sont fermés à cette heure.

Day 3, Knoxville -> Memphis, TN. The first pic is a memorial for people killed during battle, it is in the middle of nowhere, on a secondary road... I was so surprised to see that!
The 2 other pics were taken in Memphis, Elvis Presley's hometown. What can be said about this city? It is beautiful, absolutely beautiful, but it is so dead, looked like a ghost city: past 9PM, nobody in the streets, everything is closed (especially bars and restaurants)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Unlock Laugage Number Lock

3776 miles 3776 miles

Day 2, Pennsylvania Knoxville, Tennessee. Apparently, people living on the edge of I81 have problems spelling :-)

Day No. 2, Pennsylvania to Knoxville, TN. People living next to I81 Have trouble with spelling :-)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Where Are Biolife Plasma Atms

During the Christmas holidays, the road trip was made: Massachusetts -> California, 3776 miles, 8 days, a Ford Mustang.
First stop, Pennsylvania, I also want to sleep for the first time in a motel. This place is in the middle of nothing is the American heartland, over a beer in a bar (jukebox, pool table, only Coors and Bud pressure ($ 4 pitcher)), I noticed that the local wildlife like ZZ-top: long hair, beards and sunglasses.

Düring X-mas break, road trip HAD THE Been Done: Massachusetts -> California, 3776 miles, 8 days, one Ford Mustang.
1st stop, Pennsylvania, my 1st motel. This place is in the middle of nowhere, this is the "Real America". While Having a beer in a bar (jukebox, pool table, Coors and Bud on tap ($ 4 for The Pitcher)), I Could See That thesis celebrities look like ZZ-top: long hair, beard and sunglasses.