Monday, December 13, 2010

Where They Sell Scholl Shoe Sg

An interactive map on Internet users

The BBC website reveals an interactive map of the evolution of the percentage of Internet users by country and years. Indeed, the map is accompanied uneligne time that lets you navigate between the years 1998 and 2010, we can launch an animated map showing the changes.
Note that this map is accompanied by the evolution of submarine cables, which remain an important infrastructure to develop Internet communications.
Two remarks on this card: the percentage of discrimination thresholds do not exceed 25%, which is suitable in the early 2000s, much less for some northern countries passed 2005, the 25% threshold is not high thing and no longer completely relevant. So, in dragging the mouse over the States, we have more precise information for each of them, including the percentage of population connected to the total number of users.
other hand, for the year 2010, it still lacks the data by country ...
All data used in the preparation of this map are available on the site the ITU.
Source: Jadlat


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