Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Much Panadol Kills

Mapping revelations Wikileaks?

Wikileaks is at the heart of the media storm after revelations about the multiple views and the gaze of American diplomats over the rest of the planet. Besides the ethical problems that these revelations pose, a problem reading these notes are the extreme heterogeneity of their remarks, affecting many countries and leaders, not necessarily any particular order, which adds to the confusion of words and could raise doubts about the validity such information.
Nature abhors a vacuum, it became necessary to classify such information by country is about. Thus, one can discover a world map featuring the appearance of a distribution of information according to Wikileaks states. On the website of El Pais, however, it parallels the number of cables sent to and Whashington the date of such shipments. We are dealing here with a quantitative, not based on the number of disclosures made by the site, but based on the total number of official information sent from the U.S. embassy to the capital. The map therefore implies a proportional relationship between the number of cables and the amount of information revealed by Wikileaks. If you are in a clear and costed report on trade between embassies and country of origin, this type of mapping, even assuming very explicit links with the articles of Wikileaks, it not only adds to the confusion, the opacity of the subject, rather than clarify ?

Source: El Pais


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