Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Luigi Borrelli Washington Dc

Tap water contains traces of drug-resistant bacteria A

A new study looking at the composition of tap water in France showed that a quarter of water analyzed contain traces of drugs
The new study was commissioned in September 2009 by the Directorate General of Health (DGS), which has delivered results. These are indeed frightening. If one believes the figures and analysis, 25% of tap water contain drug residues.

The study examined 300 samples analyzed from the entire French territory. In total, twenty molecules have been isolated as the DGS said: "Among the 45 molecules investigated, 26 were never found and 19 were detected at least once."

In waters belonging to a quarter polluted by drugs, are one to four molecules that have been found, France Soir reported, including caffeine, carbamazepine (antiepileptic) or oxazepam (anxiolytic). If the DGS offers reassurance to the French, ensuring that the concentration of these molecules is very low, she still wishes to initiate an investigation, stating: "The health risk assessment is complex (...). The concentrations found in treated water are 1,000 to 1 million times lower than the doses used in therapeutic doses.


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