Thursday, March 3, 2011

Talking Gi Joe Repair

Against microbes, air or ... put plants!

Do you know the common point between the Silver Queen, Aloe Vera, the Boston fern, Gerbera and the Philodendron? All these plants have the characteristic of ... clean our homes! Discover.
Everything would have started in a space shuttle! Depolluting the virtues of some plants have been studied for the first time in years 70, by Professor William Wolverton. Researcher at NASA, he tested dozens of plants in a closed environment very specific because it was a ... Space Shuttle.

Since then, dozens of studies have been made on the subject. The majority would have upheld the results of Wolverton. Nevertheless, the virtues depolluting plants are always discussed. Indeed, critics point out that the best way to clean a habitat is just to air it. What is not false, except where local conditions are unfavorable.

kitchen and bathroom. You want to try the phrase "with plants? Be aware that some better fulfill their mission in a room rather than in another. With its large red flowers, anthurium is not only beautiful, but in addition it will be ideal in the kitchen or bathroom. It would indeed reputed to absorb ammonia should not be confused with the ammonia solution - and all kinds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) given off by cleaning products or household.

In the lounge you have a choice. Gerbera example, addresses many pollutants such as formaldehyde, toluene and even tobacco. This is also the case of ivy, philodendron our friend already mentioned, and the Beaucarnea, also known as elephant foot.

For rooms, choose a chlorophytum, long leaves that are spread around the bush. It would focus particularly carbon monoxide and benzene, but also to many solvents. If you prefer the elegance of Spat ... Read more on

Ring Around The Mouth

3776 miles

Day 9: Los Angeles -> San Francisco \\ o /. End of the journey, no return, a new life begins.
Day 9: Los Angeles -> San Francisco \\ o /. End of the journey, no return, a new life starts.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Luigi Borrelli Washington Dc

Tap water contains traces of drug-resistant bacteria A

A new study looking at the composition of tap water in France showed that a quarter of water analyzed contain traces of drugs
The new study was commissioned in September 2009 by the Directorate General of Health (DGS), which has delivered results. These are indeed frightening. If one believes the figures and analysis, 25% of tap water contain drug residues.

The study examined 300 samples analyzed from the entire French territory. In total, twenty molecules have been isolated as the DGS said: "Among the 45 molecules investigated, 26 were never found and 19 were detected at least once."

In waters belonging to a quarter polluted by drugs, are one to four molecules that have been found, France Soir reported, including caffeine, carbamazepine (antiepileptic) or oxazepam (anxiolytic). If the DGS offers reassurance to the French, ensuring that the concentration of these molecules is very low, she still wishes to initiate an investigation, stating: "The health risk assessment is complex (...). The concentrations found in treated water are 1,000 to 1 million times lower than the doses used in therapeutic doses.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pattycakeonline Streaming

creates anxiety in Provence

A . baumannii is the source of nosocomial infections in 14 patients from hospitals in the Marseille region. The Ministry of Health organized a meeting on the subject. Read Article
The reappearance of Acinetobacter baumannii in hospitals Provencal worries health authorities. This bacterium, resistant to many antibiotics, is responsible for outbreaks of nosocomial infections often fatal. Fourteen patients in Public Hospitals of Marseille (APHM) have already been infected and four of them died, reveals Provence.

Although the relationship between these four deaths and the presence of A in their bodies. baumannii has not yet been established, the health authorities are taking the threat seriously. The Ministry of Health organized a coordination meeting Wednesday on the subject, nearly a week after posting the first cases on 15 February by the APHM, its Regional Agency of Health. "We're not worried, rather concerned about the proper management of the incident, says the department is. We follow very carefully the issue of antibiotic resistance. "

An opportunistic bacteria

A. baumannii was detected for the first time in France in 2001. Resistant to many antibiotics, it infects immunocompromised patients and weak, especially those in intensive care units, through open wounds, catheters or breathing tubes. It can cause lung infections, sepsis or infections of wounds or burns, difficult to treat and often associated with high lethality. However, it is safe for healthy people.

Given the propagation mode is spread by hand - the recommendations of the National Institute of Health Surveillance to curb the epidemic are strict, compliance with procedures for routine hygiene (handwashing) , thoroughly cleaned the surface ... Read the article on MDR-created-the-anxiety-in-provence.php